Throwing errors is hard. Bad errors give you useless information and mislead you. Good errors help you debug your code and suggest possible fixes. I highly recommend you to read a post by Nicholas Zakas on this subject: The Art of Throwing JavaScript Errors Part 1 (why throw and when to throw) and Part 2 (what to throw). Today I would like to discuss practical part of throwing errors.
Recent Posts
16 Nov 2014
Simplified Error Throwing in JavaScript
04 Nov 2014
Getting Started with CFEngine
Today I want to tell you about new topic that is complementary to continuous integration. We will talk about configuration management in terms of TeamCity agents. Because configuration management itself is a very broad subject I’ll just concentrate on brief introduction to CFEngine, write down solution to some problems I’ve encountered and try to put a lot of references here and there. In this post we will only cover installation and basic configuration of CFEngine. I’ll probably write more on the subject next time.
20 Jul 2014
Accessing TeamCity Build Parameters from Bash
In the last post we talked about how one can access and use TeamCity build parameters from Node.js. Today we will look at the same problem from another side – Bash scripts.
01 Jun 2014
Accessing TeamCity Build Parameters from Node.js
To avoid copy-pasting build configurations in TeamCity and keep them DRY you should use configuration templates and build parameters. It’s easy when you’re working with Java or .NET build scripting tools such as Ant, Maven or MSBuild because TeamCity have a first class support for those and you can pass build parameters around with no effort. But same task may become more difficult in other development areas.
13 May 2014
Help People Consume Your npm Packages
Today I want to share with you some pain and thoughts on current state of npm packages and
folder in your application root.